產品介紹/Product 牛皮紙袋 / KRAFT PAPER BAGS鋁箔紙袋 / Kraft Paper with Aluminum Foil Composite Bag 回上頁 鋁箔紙袋 / Kraft Paper with Aluminum Foil Composite Bag 鋁箔紙袋為雙層結構,外層為牛皮紙,內層為鋁箔袋。 鋁箔材質具有防潮、重量輕盈、對光和熱有較高的反射能力,還具有很強的隔絕性、密封性防止細菌和微生物侵入。 綜合以上優點,鋁箔紙袋適用於包裝電子產品、食物以及藥品,也因可有效防止內裝物吸潮及氧化,咖啡粉以及茶類也非常適合使用鋁箔紙袋作為包裝材料。 The outer layer is Kraft paper and inner layer is aluminum foil bag. Aluminum material has excellent moisture resistance, light shielding, high reflectivity to heat and light, good insulation performance, airtight and also protected from insects and bacteria. Applicable for packing electronic products, food and medicine, especially for tea and coffee packaging. 瀏覽人次:1518