產品介紹/Product 牛皮紙袋 / KRAFT PAPER BAGS外(內)口式灌裝袋/閥口袋 / Valve Bags 回上頁 閥口袋/ Valve Bags 外口式灌裝袋是用專業灌裝設備,從閥口灌裝進料的包裝袋,填充完成後包裝袋會自動形成長方形,可整齊堆放於貨架、棧板上,易於存放且運輸方便。 此種設計的包裝袋被廣泛應用於水泥、石灰、食品添加劑、化肥、麵粉、糖、鹽粉狀類或樹脂、防水塗料、磁磚膠等產品上。 Valve bagging is when a bag is filled using a specialized machine. The machine uses a spout placed in or near the opening of the bag. Bags would form itself into a rectangle during the filling process. The benefits of this bag are you can be filled and closed per hour and the package is neat and tidy to palletizing or storage, even it makes the stable stacking on the pallets and it's safer for transportation. Valve bag is widely applied to cement, mineral powder, food grade powder ,chemical powder and construction material etc. 瀏覽人次:1783 圖片出處:https://smithpackagingservices.com/multi-wall-paper-sacks/ 圖片出處:https://www.wh.group/int/en/our_products/converting/valve_sack_concepts.html